Conservation Education Program
Conservation Education Program
January 2020 - Present
Mulendema and Kabulwebulwe Chiefdom, Zambia
280 students in 4 different schools

Today’s children will have to deal with a lifetime of climate issues, more than any generation before them. Making their first steps into the world while navigating environmental challenges, it is essential that children learn about nature conservation. Through the Conservation Education Program, we’re empowering future leaders with environmentally friendly ideologies.
In collaboration with Chipembele clubs, we designed the Conservation Education Clubs. Over the course of 15 weeks, the 6th grade pupils of Nalusanga, Lusekelo, Mpoka and Lutale Primary schools will learn about a variety of conservation subjects.
They learn about subjects like climate change, what is conservation, human-wildlife-conflicts, poaching and the importance of trees. These lessons are given by their own teachers, our Conservation Education Coordinator or by a guest lecturer. These guest lecturers are field professionals like researchers from Zambian Carnivore Program, an organic farmer, or the rangers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife.
The best part of the club is that they get to go on field trips into the park. Ila Safari lodge, and Mukambi lodge, have hosted trips where the pupils get to go on a game drive, have a nice lunch and go on the boat for the first time. The guides tell them everything about the wildlife and why we should protect them. And they’re often surprisingly lucky, spotting elephants, lions, leopards, hippos and even cheetahs!
This project is implemented in partnership with: