Regenerative Community Farm
Regenerative Community Farm
September 2022 - Present
By Life Connected Camp, Mponda Village, Mulendema Chiefdom, Zambia

To actively oversee and support all the projects we are running in Mulendema Chiefdom, we have set up a basecamp in the area. A borehole was drilled in 2021 and in 2022 the office, kitchen building and ablution block were finished with a vermi-composting toilet. Four tents have been erected, for the staff and potential volunteers and guests. The whole camp is powered by solar and completely sustainable.
At the basecamp, we also started an organic learning farm. This farm will serve several purposes.
From the baseline survey done in this chiefdom we concluded that 98% of the people are subsistence farmers. Therefore we know, there is always a need for people to learn how to farm more sustainably and efficiently. The farm is created to teach local people how to do this. The produce from the farm supplies both the local market and lodges nearby. Finally, the farm is there as an example for the vegetable gardens that are created next to the dams. See project page “Mponda Dam Project”.
This project is implemented in partnership with: